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Shoot apical meristem

7 8 9

Transition to flowering

10 11 12

Inflorescence meristem

13 14 15 16
days after germination


1 2 3 4 5 6-8 9-11 12-14 15-18 19+
number of flower in the inflorescence, moment of the anthesis of the first flower

Flower part

sepals anthers carpels Ovules from carpels Stigmatic tissue Carpels
without ovules
and stigmatic tissue

of the flower
at stage 9

of 6th and 7th flowers at the moment of abscission of first flower before pollination
sepals petals anther filaments anthers before opening carpels anthers of the flower 1
opened, with pollen

of the flower 3

Seed development

1th 2th 3th 4th 5th
number of silique from which seeds were taken
at the moment of the abscission of the first flower

Seed development

1th 3th 5th 7th
number of silique from which ovules were taken,
at the moment when first silique is 1 cm long

Silique development

1th 3th 5th 7th
number of silique (seeds removed)
at the moment when first silique is 1 cm long

Silique development

2th 4th 6th 8th
number of silique (seeds not removed)
at the moment when first silique is 1 cm long
dry seeds
Seed germination



days after soaking
1-day seedling
Hypocotyl cotyledons Apical meristem
with adjacent tissues
Third leaf
leaf 3 mm in length
leaf 5 mm in length
petiole leaf blade
leaf 10 mm in length
anthesis of the first flower
petiole leaf blade,
veins removed
central vein whole leaf
Senescent organs
Petiole Vein
of the yellowing third leaf
(at the stage when seeds in first siliques are mature)
Seeds of first
yellowing silique
First yellowing silique
without seed
Second yellowing silique
including seeds
first elongated internode, yellowing
peduncles inflorescence
first elongated
at the moment of the anthesis of the first flower
Root apex root (without apex)
root of 1-day seedling
7-day plant